LMA Was Kinda Right

Drawing out and aggregating the musings, expressions, rants, drawings, textual weavings, and otherwise passionate craftings of and between four not-ficticious, not-so-little women. And their momma.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A is for Anonymity?

We're still on Alcoholism and Alcohol, but thought this might be a good time to ask what people think about anonymity here. Rules, you know, so that our lovedus don't hate us or nothin. Like, we're accessible to anyone out there, so it would be good to set some standards about what we're ok with saying specifically, and what we choose to leave general.
Where are we gonna stand on airing otha's dirty laundry, saying specific names, telling embassassing thangs about one another? im ok with the last one, but id rather keep away from specific names in the the first, and maybe in general for people who aren't us. And im keeping my general info vague. Safety, yknow? What you think?
And Megoo, send back the email and sign in, girl! C'mon!


At 3:33 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

well it all comes down to who this site is for. are we going to give out the address to anyone? i don't know. i suppose anonymity is ok if we're looking far off in the vast future when thousands will be flocking to the site every moment to hang on the edge of our every word.

i do think our writing styles are dead giveaways, though.

this probably didn't answer the question.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger aimee said...

all im thinkin is that dude who left the gabbletygook comment found us, so anyone can. and, yeah, no -- we can totally say who we are, like generally first name, general info stuff... but we might wanna refer to others close to us who were writing about without their names. i know! we can use code! (uh, we'll set it up offsite.) or not. i don't care either way. but thought it would be good to discuss before going much further.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

i guess unless we're going to make the blog private to all but us, it'd be good to be a little more vague in our references (sorry Uncle Mike, Uncle Randy, Fred from BS).

At 11:43 PM, Blogger aimee said...

i mean, we can totally still leave it as is. or, if we wanna, we can go back and edit out the names. whateva. it's all up to us!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

can we do that? i'm going to try right now.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

no, i don't think we can do that. it's now or never, unless i missed somethin.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger aimee said...

we can totally do that -- well, for the main posts, at least. the comments we either have to keep or copy, repost, and delete the original to change to edit the main posts, the just hit to Blogger icon at the top left of the page, go to 'postings,' click the post name, and edit away. poke around a bit -- you'll figure it out. or call me.
leaving what's there there and moving on from here is fine too. so no need to stress.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

Let's just be a little more vague and we won't need to worry about it.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger aimee said...

k. its settled!


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