
I think we all have magic, and there are times that we forget this, what we have to offer. So I'm writing to remind us of its power, over us and the world!
Everyone wants to believe in magic, beauty, and change for the better. We all take some degree of solace in fairy tales and religion, where water turns into wine, enemies can be conquered with courage and unwavering belief, where wishing hard enough or toiling in endless sacrifice brings about proportionate returns. If we didn't, why would we share these things with children? But these ideas are so often kept secret, or in their own boxes, separate from what people consider reality. The real world is cold, hard, and difficult. This is a reality that someone else has imposed upon them, that exists outside Harry Potter's or Willy Wonka's fantasy world: our home. And so the rainstorm ruins our plans or depresses us, darkness is frought with danger, no one can be trusted because there is evil in the world.
But what about our ability to reach in there and apply some magic of our own? The rainstorm can become a chance to yell and shout and dance in puddles; why not lose ourselves in darkness like animals, becoming part of it, rather than something threatened by it; we see that we have the choice to trust and believe in people, consciously prepared for any outcome, rather than automatically suspecting the worst or living in fear. A big part of who I am is constantly manipulating reality to be better than it seems, like the ability to turn a coat into a costume, a meal into an adventure, a simple walk down the street into a dance. I think we all have that, and mom and dad, too. We all have this talent of, or need to, take lemons and make lemonade. I think we can change the world by spreading this belief in magic, in throwing flowers in our midst and creating joy where others would succomb to misery or fear.
I don't understand people who aren't convinced that they can do anything, that they can be the change that they wish to see. And if they act knowing that they are magic, then others see that the same is possible for them. The world i imagine and constantly twist to my advantage can be as real as the bleak, cold, hardness that others see in life. I know I attract people who need a little magic in their lives, as I bet y'all do. I hope you're socking it to 'em!