LMA Was Kinda Right

Drawing out and aggregating the musings, expressions, rants, drawings, textual weavings, and otherwise passionate craftings of and between four not-ficticious, not-so-little women. And their momma.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

F is for Fear

Meg's comment needs to be a post. We can definitely expand on this topic.

Here 'tis:

f...if i may suggest. stands for frightening. Like the f...future. I like the everchanging, so yea! we can post what we want... when we want, danmint! crap, i missspelled that. But it still feels good. Fright! what a good world we live in, but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, I get a little frightened by my inability to change it. I mean, I can be who I am, and live my life in a good way, but if I KNOw that (but I could throw down a big if), if i should stay awake real late tonight, and stay up to say, this morning, am I missin out on what i could have been doing that day? Or am I just livin my life as it happens and not really embracing the reality that, if I don't change the way I am living life now, when will I? WHen I write it on the blog the future doesn't seem so frightening, cause you two will still real what I write.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

E is for Everchanging!

Yes - it really is your little LMA blog! I kept coming here and getting so damn depressed by the last entry, and the blackness of it all. Here is pink for change. Here is pink for Meg wearing it before Banana Republic ever wiped it all over the nation's wardrobe. Here is pink for possibilities and for knowing that everything can get a little brighter, if we only take the steps to make it so.

Though I screwed up the right-hand area formatting a bit.