G is for Golden
So in a recent conversation with meggoo, she mentioned that amalier and I were the golden children in the family who could do no wrong. I think this deserves many responses, including: how amalier and bet are nowhere near golden children, and all the ways that Meg is golden.
But I'm editing this post, because as amalier states in the comments for this post, we need not focus on how we are not golden, but how we each are unique and lovely in our own ways. i paraphrase. so we read the non-golden bits once, and they can remain in the comments, but not on the main post, dearies.
How Meg is golden:
- Being good to dad as kid.
- Sharing Dad's coloring, so he knows we're actually his.
- Babysitting for cousins - showing them a really good time.
- Being honest and truly caring about people.
- Always being good to and supportive of non-golden older sisters, who don't always treat Meggie well. Who sing at her until she cries.
- Trying again and again to have a relationship with Dad - living near him at times.
- Visiting Grandma and Poppa, cheering them up.
- Being Mom's best friend; taking care of her and enjoying it so Aimee and Beth don't worry.
- Helping Mom through extremely hard, lonely times, without complaint.
- Giving Mom someone to dote on, to feel responsible for.
- Taking care of poor, poor Brucie.
- Taking care of everything while Mom was out of town with Jolie, so she didn't have to worry.
- Cooking for Jolie.
- Cooking for Aimee's parties.
- Making Beth's wedding cake and shower food.
- Being at family parties. Getting to know the cousins.
- Always trying to see the good in everything and everyone.
and more!!!
Meg, you can add to these, too. C'mon, sissies.