LMA Was Kinda Right

Drawing out and aggregating the musings, expressions, rants, drawings, textual weavings, and otherwise passionate craftings of and between four not-ficticious, not-so-little women. And their momma.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Menu confirmed. Delegation begins.

ok. updated friday morn.
edit the post or add comments to sign up for stuff!

>***************LA MENU***********************

aimee & bet - Taquitos
aimee - Black bean dip
bet - Queso dip

aimee - Philo raviolis with tuna and capers

aimee & meggie- Hearts of palm goodies

meggoo - Philo raviolis with strawberries and tofu cream cheese vanilla spready thing

meggoo- Philo raviolis with fontina and sundried tomatoes

meggoo- Mini crab cake & saucess

meggoo- Cheese platter & Puff pastry apricot cheesy things

aimee - Lasagnettes

up in the air:
Bacon-wrapped lustydates


aimee - Stuffed french toast

bet - Beautiful sugar cookies

meggoo- Chocolate cake/other cakes

meggoo- Macaroons

aimee - Other cookies from bakery

up in the air:
Chocolate Fondue

>************shopping list****************

dry goods:
jacque - pretzels
jacque - potato chips
soy milk
almond milk
bread crumbs
aimee - capers
sun dried tomatoes
dried apricots
aimee - rice
lasagne noodles
jacque - cashews
jacque - dates
jacque - pecans
aimee - black bean dip

puff pastry

good bread
dry french toast bread

hearts of palm
hearts o palm fillings
tomatoes (roasted)
red peppers
onion (plenty)
Poblano chiles
fresh basil
Salsa (ingreds or prepared?)

purple grapes

vegan nightmare -- lacto/ovo stuffs
sharp cheddar cheese
jack cheese
english cheddar
blue cheese
mexican queso
1/2 and 1/2 (4 big cartons)

meat and meat-like things
aimee - tuna
meggoo - spicy jerk chicken
bet - smart ground taco style
aimee - tofutti

condiments, sauces, spices, and dry baking goods
Newman's own Sockaroony tomato sauce
extra virgin olive oil
maple syrup
strawberry jam/preserves

bet - sugar cookie batter
jacque - chocolate
powdered sugar
ingredients for chocolate cake
ingredients for non-chocolate cake
crab cake spices
food coloring
vanilla extract

non-grocery store foods
aimee - hazelnut cookies, macaroons, shortbread cookies (swedish bakery)
meggoo - corn soft tortillas (tortilla factory!)
drinks (let's map this out too)


At 9:41 PM, Blogger aimee said...

So that means, so far, this is what is being done in advance:

Taquitos->Black bean dip, cabbage slaw, sauces, squeeze bottles.
Philo Ravioli-> tuna and capers filling.

Beautiful cookies->batter
Taquitos->Queso dip

AND this who has signed up to see through the making and plating of these things at casa de momma, to be ready to roll by the time momma returns to light candles (exceptions made for beautiful cookies)

Taquitos (with Bet)
Tuna Ravioli Puffs
Lasagne Rolls
Stuffed Hearts of Palm (with Meggoo)
Stuffed French Toast
Swedish Bakery cookies for fondue

Taquitos (with Aim)
Beautiful Cookies
Others to be delegated by aimee and meggoo

meg (at least i think):
Philo Raviolis two ways (fontina and strawberry)
Mini Crab Cakes and sauce
Stuffed Hearts of Palm (with Aimee)
Cheese Plate (including Brie Wrapping)
Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate (or other) Cake for dipping?

that covers everything except for the bacon dates, which are way easy.

please approve or refute!

At 12:10 AM, Blogger meggoo said...

Taquitos->Black bean dip, cabbage slaw, sauces, squeeze bottles.
Philo Ravioli-> tuna and capers filling.

Beautiful cookies->batter
Taquitos->Queso dip

AND this who has signed up to see through the making and plating of these things at casa de momma, to be ready to roll by the time momma returns to light candles (exceptions made for beautiful cookies)

Taquitos (with Bet)
Tuna Ravioli Puffs
Lasagne Rolls
Stuffed Hearts of Palm (with Meggoo)
Stuffed French Toast
Swedish Bakery cookies for fondue

Taquitos (with Aim)
Beautiful Cookies
Others to be delegated by aimee and meggoo

meg (at least i think):
Philo Raviolis two ways (fontina and strawberry) Yes!!!!
Mini Crab Cakes and sauce
Stuffed Hearts of Palm (with Aimee)Yes!!!!
Cheese Plate (including Brie Wrapping) Very fun for me! To pick the cheeses with out Beth would not be right, cause she loves cheese! So, please, Beth please give a couple of cheese ideas!

Chicken: of some jerked sort. maybe I will find a new neat way of putting chiken and pineapple together. I have chicken covered!
Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate (or other) Cake for dipping? Meg!! I will make a couple of cakey items for dippin!
Coconut Macaroons!******NEW!

that covers everything except for the bacon dates, which are way easy.
I got the great list of ingredients so far and I think I can gather what I and momma need to have at her house so that when Beth and Aimee and Jesse come to town they can have all the items they need!
Which will offically stock mommas kitchen as a REAL KITCHEN for a woman who "doesn't cook and does'nt care to learn how to cook. " I like that she will have the ability to cook, when she needs to and has to. Like, I have got some blueberry bars frozen in her freezer so that she can make a nice dessert with the standard ice cream she always has on hand.

THis said.
Nice job aimee!
Way to go Beth!
and go go go Momma!
Love meg
please approve or refute!

At 12:10 AM, Blogger meggoo said...

Taquitos->Black bean dip, cabbage slaw, sauces, squeeze bottles.
Philo Ravioli-> tuna and capers filling.

Beautiful cookies->batter
Taquitos->Queso dip

AND this who has signed up to see through the making and plating of these things at casa de momma, to be ready to roll by the time momma returns to light candles (exceptions made for beautiful cookies)

Taquitos (with Bet)
Tuna Ravioli Puffs
Lasagne Rolls
Stuffed Hearts of Palm (with Meggoo)
Stuffed French Toast
Swedish Bakery cookies for fondue

Taquitos (with Aim)
Beautiful Cookies
Others to be delegated by aimee and meggoo

meg (at least i think):
Philo Raviolis two ways (fontina and strawberry) Yes!!!!
Mini Crab Cakes and sauce
Stuffed Hearts of Palm (with Aimee)Yes!!!!
Cheese Plate (including Brie Wrapping) Very fun for me! To pick the cheeses with out Beth would not be right, cause she loves cheese! So, please, Beth please give a couple of cheese ideas!

Chicken: of some jerked sort. maybe I will find a new neat way of putting chiken and pineapple together. I have chicken covered!
Chocolate Fondue
Chocolate (or other) Cake for dipping? Meg!! I will make a couple of cakey items for dippin!
Coconut Macaroons!******NEW!

that covers everything except for the bacon dates, which are way easy.
I got the great list of ingredients so far and I think I can gather what I and momma need to have at her house so that when Beth and Aimee and Jesse come to town they can have all the items they need!
Which will offically stock mommas kitchen as a REAL KITCHEN for a woman who "doesn't cook and does'nt care to learn how to cook. " I like that she will have the ability to cook, when she needs to and has to. Like, I have got some blueberry bars frozen in her freezer so that she can make a nice dessert with the standard ice cream she always has on hand.

THis said.
Nice job aimee!
Way to go Beth!
and go go go Momma!
Love meg

At 10:30 AM, Blogger aimee said...


so this is what remains unspoken for:

bacony lustydates (ill do these if there are no takers)
crab cakes (anyone?)

and, as for the chicken, yeah! go to town! but remember that it will go into taquitos, and also that we will have some non-experimental eaters in the mix (read - family), so maybe we you wanna make one kinda traditional spicy taco styled chicken (doesn't need to be TOO traditional, but you know what i mean), and one funky chicken!

bet, give Meggie some cheese ideas! i always like those soft cheese (goat cheese) molds you make by putting plastic wrap in a pound cake tin, sprinkling in pinu nuts and herbs, then putting in the cheese, more goodies, more cheese, then wrapping and cooling. but that's just me. and i don't eat cheese.

steven shaw, the big food dude out here who i interviewed, said in partial response to my interview question:
"If you were banished from NY to a small midwesterd town for the rest of eternity, and were allowed to bring a lifetime supply of up to four food or drink items that would not be able to be accessed ever again outside of New York, what would you bring?"
that he would bring cheeses that can only be found in NY: "unpasturized Epoisses, thistle-rennet cheeses from Spain, Montgomery Cheddar from Neal's Yard Dairy." i can bring any of these along, if you would like. just lemme know!

wow. mom's kitchen is gonna be unrecognizable! thanks, Meggoo!

At 2:05 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

Momma and Meg, keep track of the costs, so I know how much to write a check to y'all for when I get there. No one should have to be taking on all the costs, yo.


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