LMA Was Kinda Right

Drawing out and aggregating the musings, expressions, rants, drawings, textual weavings, and otherwise passionate craftings of and between four not-ficticious, not-so-little women. And their momma.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

D is for Dogs!

I like a dog with furry spots of Color. Soft Floppy ears are nice too. And a nice smile.
Hows about dogs who can break it down like Sooki. Or try to dig a hole in the back seat of a Volvo like Roo, and who can chase squirrels like Bruce.
Dogs make me happy. I try not to think that they are ever bad. BUt sometime when they are being bad, they make me laugh.
Dogs? Haikkus, ramblings, thoughts about dogs you have loved before..
plant em here seastars!
3rd attempt!


At 6:50 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

Oh, Jolie will definitely want to write about this one. Aimee - do you remember her password?

At 7:03 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

And it's SUGI. Setsugi. Means 'beloved' in japanese.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger aimee said...

aimee means "beloved" in french.
geliefd means "beloved" in dutch.
geliebt means "beloved" in german.
caro means "beloved" in italian.
querido means "beloved" in spanish.
beloved means beloved in portuguese.

sugi's name in japanese = 最愛

see if you can guess which dog each haiku is for!

soulful eyes, old soul.
play with toy? um, no. prefer
pets. squirrels. thank you.

click, click. run! eyes huge.
slide into end table! look!
run back other way!

i will walk by you.
chase any ball or stick thrown.
smiling the whole time.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger aimee said...

Jolie says:
oh -- back in a sec...

At 2:55 PM, Blogger aimee said...

ok. Jolie just nailed the dog haiku quiz. 3 out of 3 correct. gold stars and winners' circles all around!

now, for those wanting to make more dog haikus, Jolie and Bill says the following words go well in expressing the essence of Roo:
poo (Bill).

guess that's all for now. singning out from Sloan-Ketting's 10th floor. will check back later with more dog blogging!

At 3:05 PM, Blogger aimee said...

i met Roo on line. so his side of the story would probably be more interesting. he would probably be, like, "there was this really cool lady that saved me."

well, i don't know if he'd consider that.

he's probably say "there was this really cool lady who moved me out of out of homelessness after my parents left me in an apartment by myself when i was 6 months old. anyways, her name was Barbie, and she lived in Connecticut and moved me into this really decent kennel where i had some indoor space which ended in a fence, do i couldn't run around with the other dogs in the middle, but i could look at them. but i could go outside and run around with the dogs outside."

couldn't he run around outside?" Jolie asks Bill. "yes," he answers. "And he was totally quiet, unless some other dog barked. then he would bark at that dog until he would stop."

back later with more!

At 4:44 PM, Blogger aimee said...

Jolie continues her take on Roo's side of the story:

"anyways, i stayed in that kennel for a whole year, and" (Jolie interjection one -- "and i am beautiful, completely muscular, non-aggressive yet mouthy. in a seventyfive pound pit bull, this combination is quite daunting because, like, it seemed as if the dog is trying to bite you when you put a leash on his collar, whereas, in reality, he is just guiding your hand to his collar so he can be walked. BUT STILL BAD BEHAVIOR, but much more trainable than aggression." Jolie interjection two -- "i learn about this after talking extensively to Barbie on the phone. She is showing me that he is one of the most beautiful and non-aggressive dogs that she has.")

"it's me again. this girl Jolie, crazy as can be, shelters all over New York city that she's visited, takes the bus out to see me in Stanford, Connecticut, a two hour tour. Not that i know much about hours. i don't think dogs know much about hours, do we? we know what time we're supposed to get fed. But that might just be a certain time interval, a sign regarding the environment. like, i get fed at 5:00pm. and i know it.

ok, so Jolie comes to see me, and i try to mouth her wrist, but she's quite firm with me, and unafraid, so i back off. i thought Jolie was great. i didn't -- as is my personality, unless someone is willing to get down on the ground and roll around with me, i'm not totally excited. but, otherwise, im generally excited to meet people.

Jolie was quite lax with me as we walked. i even got to jump up on my back legs, hovering over the girl behind me who was carrying a large pizza, much to the chagrin of her mother, who pulled her right out of there. but, i enamored Jolie, i think, by rolling around in the grass a lot. rolling and rolling. always wanting to be in the grass again and again. rolling over. i basically appeared to be a flower dog. very cute. and very big, which Jolie seemed to like. big and cute.

she left telling Barbie that she had to bring someone back who's approval was needed, but that hers was there.

ok, so, next thing i know, a week later, Jolie returns with Barbie and a tall, dapper man in a funny hat. Big and cute too, i noticed. i knew we'd hit if off that way, both of us being big and cute.

(Jolie asks Bill, who is working on his computer)
"will you give some impressions of Roo when we first met?"

Bill starts, "i just remember he seemed happy, and he had a lot of energy." a long pause in the room. "Probably remember thinking that it was my last day of peace." Jolie smiles to herself.

"is that it Bill?" Jolie asks "my impressions of Roo?" he asks.

"i remember you trying to convince me that i actually had a voice in keeping the dog. and i figured that with any dog that i drove to Connecticut for, the decision was already made." "so you think it was a token yes?" Jolie asked . "what do you think? oh, im sure that i could have, if i absolutely hated him. but how can anybody hate the roo dog?"

Jolie continued, "i remember when i was driving home, we had rented a car cause we didn't have a car, and we, we had gotten home and the drive had taken longer than we expected, and, you know the people at the shelter were very sad to see him leave because they had gotten really attached to him -- it was a day kennel, and he was their only dog in residence, really. and so they were sad. the owner of the kennel was really sad to see him go. we were supposed to send them pictures. we still will do that. so, i remember that we were taking Roo home in the car, and he was so excited to be in a car. i sppose he really hadn't been in cars much, besides taking that little ride into town, so he always kept jumping over the back of my arm chair and hugging me around my neck, and licking my ears. he'd stand up so that his head was beside mine and lick my ears, and then he'd go over to Bill, and lick Bill's ears, which was a little less tolerable since Bill was driving.

then we brought him to our house, and bill and i had a block assn meeting, which isn't the usual thing to do when you get a dog, but it was just down the block, and we thought we could leave whenever we wanted.

and when we went home, i was nervous cause i had rented these books that said that sometimes, new dogs can be territorial of your house, and might not let you in. "we were still pretty worried from Fred," Bill adds. "yeah, and i was pretty worried, because we had not trained him, but getting in was no problem. in fact, we not only had no problem getting into the house, we also couldn't find roo. he wasn't downstairs at the door. he wasn't at the window looking out at us as we came up the front steps. it was just really quiet. so i snuck upstairs around the first bend, and there was roo, up at the top of the stairs, peering around the banister, like, "are you friend, or are you foe?" and i had to kind of coax him down, "cmere Roo, cmere!" and he came down slowly to the living room, where he proceeded to let me and Bill pet his belly.

that night, he slept on the doggie bed we had bought for him that we put next to our bed. but what was really funny was that we couldn't sleep much, because every half hour or so, Roo would put his front paws up on our bed, and peer over to see if we were still there, then go back to his bed. and a little while later, he'd pop up again, and look to see if we were there, then go back down to his bed.

so much to tell, but i probably will leave it there for now. that was an introduction to Roo.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

oh, good haikus. and good story about roo.

i didn't like sugi one bit until she and jesse came back to me in nyc and i put her in a leopard-printed baby cap with bear ears and she walked in the dog and baby parade in brooklyn. then i saw her true nature and couldn't help but love her.

i prefer longer-haired dogs, maybe because that's what we grew up with. Sugi likes long-haired dogs, too. That seems to be all she likes: big, red-haired dogs. male, of course. and sticks and balls. she lives for those sticks and balls. i just didn't understand this non-cuddly, oily, hyper, short-haired dog at all, at first. but now she's good as family.

Haikus on behalf of our dogs:

no i will not sit.
If you feed me moldy cheese
i'll consider it

maybe if you throw
this here toy, i'll leave you be
um, maybe next time

(that will have to apply to two dogs. I'm all out of creativity.)

At 12:08 AM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

one more:

diggity doggy
i call her poodle
she's silly in the dog head

At 12:14 PM, Blogger X Bethlehem said...

oh, crap. that wasn't a haiku. i got the meter all mixed.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger aimee said...

while 5-7-5 is traditional, there are other forms. why not make your own? i liked it.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger aimee said...

"we love meg!" dogs say.
walks off leash. chase me! roll 'round.
tails wag. "meg's the best!"

At 3:58 PM, Blogger aimee said...

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At 5:05 PM, Blogger meggoo said...

So we have this great polaroid of Bruce on Mommas Bed, with teh words, Bad Dog? under it.

So here is my question. Could any of these three fine dogs ever really be "Bad". "Bad" suggests that they meant to do it. Guilty. Bad dog.
I think not!
Bruce is really a terrific dog with the eyes, and we nor momma and I could ever suggest that he was guilty.
Guilty of looking for a little comfort while his owner is away. Then Yes. He is guilty. Guilty of comfort. ANd missing his owner.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger aimee said...

Good points, meggoo. Bruce is hardly a intentional bad dog. He is a good dog who follows his heart, and who might not always act the most appropriately in doing so. "Bad dog?" i think not.


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